Ami grew up in the western suburbs of Chicago and began learning dance at the age of 3. She was comprehensively trained in Garba Folk Dance and Raas, along with Bollywood and Bharatnatyam. Ami has vivid memories of performing across the United States from a young age, and her love for dance steadily grew over the years. By age 13, she was choreographing Gujarati dances and entering FOGANA dance competitions, winning multiple First Place and Best Choreography titles.
Her passion for teaching dance continued through college and graduate school. She choreographed several performances for Marquette University Diwali programs as well as the University of Pennsylvania Raas Team.
As Ami’s reputation spread, she was invited to judge numerous dance competitions including Best of the Best, Raas Chaos, and FOGANA.
Ami now has over two decades of experience teaching dance. She especially enjoys teaching young children and takes great pride in helping them develop grace, skill, and self-confidence.
Kaavya Performing Arts is the culmination of Ami’s love for dance, passion for teaching, and desire to stay connected with her Indian heritage. Poems (Kaavya) have movement, rhythm, and pace. For Ami, dance is like poetry in motion.